Sam Ransbotham is a Professor of Analytics and the Mastrocola Dean’s Faculty Fellow at the Boston College, Carroll School of Management.   Sam earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, an MBA, and a PhD, all from the Georgia Institute of Technology.  He teaches “Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence” and “Analytics in Practice.”  Sam has served as a Senior Editor at Information Systems Research, an Associate Editor at Management Science, and an Academic Contributing Editor at the MIT Sloan Management Review.  He co-hosts the “Me, Myself, and AI” podcast, available on all major platforms. During 2022-2023, he was a visiting scholar at Harvard Business School.

Some recent activity:

Why there's no standard AI policy in higher education, and what professors are doing about it for NPR's All Things Considered

How will AI affect the workplace?  for CBS Boston.

How Is AI Transforming Firms? for the World Bank.

Can AI Help Your Company Innovate? It Depends" for Harvard Business Review.

Find the AI Approach that Fits the Problem You're Trying to Solve for Harvard Business Review.

Various profile pages:

Boston College

MIT Sloan Management Review

Google Scholar


Harvard Business School
